2024 Forests of NH Teacher Tour July 23-26th

Professional Development for K-12 Educators!

NH Project Learning Tree, NH Sustainable Forestry Initiative and NH Timberland Owners Association Present the “2024 Forests of New Hampshire Teacher Tour”

A professional development workshop and tour of NH forests and mills.

National Association for Interpretation - Northeast Regional Workshop 2024

2024 Northeast Region Workshop: Pathways Forward

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210
April 6, 2024, 7:30am–5:15pm

Group Registration
Need to register a group? Have each member of your group create a profile on NAI’s website, then email Madison Hyatt at membership@interpnet.com the list of your group members. We will then populate a roster that you can use for registration in a single payment.

Interpretive Ranger - SCA NH Conservation Corps


Hydroponics Hobby Center

Ponics Life is your main source for hydroponic, aquaponic, and aeroponic information. Our goals are simple: (1) spread awareness about soilless farming, (2) connect readers and visitors with the tools and resources they need to get started, and (3) expand and grow the field. We hope to change the agricultural narrative and introduce soilless farming to the masses. We truly believe that hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics are the future of farming!

Vacation Camp Counselor Job Opportunity at Seacoast Science Center!

Vacation Camp Counselor

February 19-23 and/or February 26-March 1, 2024, 8:00am-3pm and/or

New Hampshire Environmental Educators receive a $15,000 grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE) receives a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to strengthen the organization's capacity to continue their work towards a New Hampshire where all people value and feel connected to our natural spaces, are environmentally literate, and act as social and environmental stewards in their communities.

Students Access the Outdoors through NHEE’d To Get Outside Grants

The New Hampshire Environmental Educators awarded over $30,000 in NHEE’d to Get Outside grants to 23 schools and organizations for 2024. Schools and nonprofits receive this funding to help their students access the outdoors whether it is for admission and transportation for field trips to nature spaces, snowshoes for winter exploration or science tools for outdoor learning.  

Call for Sponsors: Help Elevate Environmental Education in 2024!

New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to inspire connection to our natural world by supporting high-quality environmental education and advancing environmental literacy. NHEE is our only state organization for environmental educators and has been in operation since 1979.

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