Join the Wade Institute and Hitchcock Center for the Environment for an exciting 3-day professional learning institute! Engage in minds-on, hands-on learning which will provide you with science knowledge, classroom investigations aligned to the standards, books for your classroom and other resources. Let us help you make time for science by showing you how to integrate science with talking, reading, and writing and integrate literacy time with science.
Spend a week this summer with the Wade Institute for Science Education and our collaborating partners Manomet, Inc., the Lloyd Center for the Environment and the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy! Investigate the phenomena of migration of whales, sharks, turtles and birds as you explore the tools used to track migrating species.
Is your school or school district transitioning to implementation of more inquiry-based and phenomena-based STEM instruction? The Wade Institute for Science Education’s interactive science professional learning programs provide resources for educators to engage the curiosity and wonder of students by bringing inquiry and phenomena based teaching strategies into their current teaching practices!
Spinner Wheel is a free online tool that allows for a flexible and engaging approach to learning. It has many use-cases for any subject.
All entries on wheels are fully editable and one of the main things that makes it so useful and unique is the ability to create multiple wheels for use at one time.
Example uses of Spinner Wheel for:
- Mathematics:
- Creative writing:
We are looking for educators who love to follow their students' wonder in the outdoors!
We have openings for infant, toddler, preschool, pre-k, and school-age teachers to come join our team at Live & Learn Early Learning Center in Lee, NH. Specifically for school-age children, we have our summer camp and afterschool program, Rising Hawk, that hosts kids from ages 6-13. We would love for you to come join us for summer camp!
Join our enthusiastic team of River Classroom Educator/Canoeing Guides! Nothing is more rewarding than bringing a classroom of students outdoors on a river in canoes to learn! River Classroom® is a Nashua River Watershed Association program in partnership with Nashoba Paddler LLC. We are currently seeking someone who loves working with children, is enthusiastic about outdoor inquiry-based science education, and enjoys paddling.
“Are you looking to extend your student’s work beyond the classroom? Have you ever wondered how to amplify your student’s creative voice in the fight against climate change?
For over a decade, Bow Seat has provided students worldwide with a platform to speak out against environmental injustice and advocate for their future through art, writing, film, music, dance, and more in our award-winning environmental art contest. Bow Seat is excited to offer free, virtual Teacher Training workshops to make it as easy as possible to bring the Contest into your classroom.
NH Project Learning Tree, The Sustainable Forestry Initiative & NH Timberland Owners Association present:
"2023 Forests of New Hampshire Teacher Tours" - A 4-day tour of the NH forests and mills.
July 18 | 1 p.m. thru July 21 | 11 a.m.
Tall Timber Lodge
609 Beach Rd.
Pittsburg, NH 03592
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