Three women smiling with Tara Happy in the middle holding her award.

Tara Happy

Hollis Primary School

Congratulations to Tara Happy! Below are two quotes from nomination letters that sum up why Tara deserves this award.

"Tara Happy immediately earns students’ respect and respects each student, creating a climate that fosters positive interactions and social emotional skills. Tara instills a growth mindset, allowing students to take risks and learn from mistakes. This process provides for student achievement at the highest level. Tara’s lessons get all students actively involved requiring them to be effective learners and problem solvers. She works well with the entire range of students at Hollis Primary School. She has the ability to create meaningful inquiry tasks for her students, demonstrating both her knowledge and passion of the content matter. She is always looking to implement new ideas in her classroom/outdoor classroom lessons, as student engagement and appreciation of the environment is her ultimate goal." -Gina Bergskaug, Assistant Superintendent, SAU #41

"When our school wanted a state spider, she didn't just say "Well I don't think we could do that." Instead, she went right to forming Team Spider, which lead us to having a state spider. She was our biggest supporter and leader at the sighning. She also encouraged us to go to our neighborhood pond and scoop up a random bucket of water and see what was inside as part of an assighnment. What I found fascinated me so much that I still go down there to this day to look for frogs, tadpoles, and other creatures that might be down there. That's why you should give her the award, but just don't give her away." -4th grade student, Hollis Primary School