Announcing the NHEE'd to Get Outside 2022 Bonus Round Recipients!
The grant committee had many wonderful applicants to choose from in this bonus round for the NHEE'd to Get Outside Grant that distributes funds to NH schools or 501(c)3 non-profit organizations to provide students hands-on, experiential, outdoor field trip/learning opportunities. Click here to learn more about the NHEE'd to Get Outside Grant.
Thanks to two anonymous donors, Concord UU Church and silent auction donations, we raised enough money to offer a second grant round in 2022!
Congratulations to the grant recipients from the 2022 bonus round listed below:
- Newfound Lake Region Association will host 7 free monthly nature stations that engage students of all ages in learning about their environment and their ability to impact local ecosystems by providing an introduction a specific topic and then a task and/or craft that asks participants to explore the Grey Rocks Conservation Area environment.
- Plymouth Elementary School's sixth graders will explore geology, watersheds, history, and art on this culminating end of year trip to Artist Bluff, Echo Lake and the Old Man of the Mountain Historic Site and tour the New England Ski Museum.
- Pinkerton Academy's 10th & 11th graders will learn about the ecosystems near their school by using trail cameras and outdoor exploration of those unique ecological areas.
- Wheelock School's fourth graders will kick off their school year by hiking Pitcher Mountain as a community building activity that also provides students with the opportunity to explore, adventure, and to ignite lifelong excitement for the outdoors.
- Symonds Elementary School's 4th graders will join a Harris Center naturalist, along the Ashuelot River Trail to look for mammal evidence in spring as part of a unit exploring animal evidence found across seasons and ecosystems.
- Hollis Primary School's K-3rd will be able to get outside this winter on snowshoes to go off trail into the forest, and find evidence of animal activity including tracks, bark scratchings, squirrel holes, and have new adventures.
- Nashua Police Athletic League (PAL)'s Youth Safe Haven Afterschool/Summer with Beaver Brook Association program will get 2nd-11th graders outside exploring the multitude of trails and the immense ecology system at Beaver Brook, where they can see a more complete view of the world they live in and understand their impact on this world.
- Nashua School District's Brentwood Academy students will go on two guided kayak adventures at Lake Massabesic where they can experience the calming impact nature and to get out of their everyday environment.
- Hampstead School District's 2nd-4th graders will use binoculars, compasses and magnifying glasses to explore their local forest throughout the seasons to expand their environmental literacy skills and promote inquiry and wellness by spending time outdoors.
- St. Augustin Preschool and Kindergarten students will learn how to best observe, identify, and classify organisms through guided exploration of a tide pool with the Seacoast Science Center.
- Plymouth Elementary School's 5th graders will end their school year with a trip to Cardigan Mountain Lodge where they learn local ecology and outdoor survival skills.
- Hillside Middle School's 6th graders will participate in NH Audubon's Peregrine Falcon (PEFA) program where they will make observations, develop hypotheses, and participate in hands-on learning experiences about urban ecology and peregrine falcon life history.
- Mount Saint Mary Academy's PK-6th graders will build garden beds and then get their hands dirty while exploring the whole scientific process from seed to harvest.